Spring is (hopefully) just around the corner here on campus, and so is Housing Selection!

In this month’s newsletter, we’re covering reminders for Housing Selection next month, RA offers for the 2024-2025 Academic Year, and Spring Break reminders! 


Looking ahead, please make sure your rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors have completed their housing application (available to them via their @wfu.edu credentials on the housing portal at go.wfu.edu/housingportal) and are beginning to plan for housing selection. In completing their housing application (Step 1), they are then able to form roommate groups (Step 2). This is an important piece of the housing selection process. Encourage your students to be thoughtful in their roommate selection, diligent with their group communications, and mindful of housing expectations. This makes for a much smoother experience during housing selection (Step 3). 

Selection will take place March 25-28. Encourage your students to explore our housing selection webpage which includes resources to help them understand the housing selection process. We also highly encourage students to attend one of our Housing Selection Information Sessions (starting the last week of February) to learn more about the process with our Residence Life and Housing staff. We’ve included those dates below for your reference: 

  • Information Session: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 / 5-6 PM / Johnson Hall Parlor 
  • Information Session: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 / 5-6 PM / Angelou Hall Parlor
  • Information Session: Thursday, February 22, 2024/ 5-6 PM / South Hall Parlor 
  • Table Session: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 / 11-12 PM / Benson, Outside the Food Court (Stop by and ask any questions you have!)


Students who participated in the RA recruitment cycle for the 2024-2025 school year will receive communications regarding offers by the end of February. With a record number of exceptional applicants this year, we could not be more excited about the student leadership that will be present in our communities next year. 

While we recognize and appreciate your support for your student, please understand that we cannot talk about employment decisions with anyone other than the applicant. If you’d like to understand more about the selection process, please visit our student employment webpage



As Spring Break approaches (March 9-17), we encourage a visit to our Breaks and Inspections webpage which includes resources/tips for students leaving campus for the break. We hope everyone enjoys a restful break as we inch toward mid-terms!

Finally, if your student is returning for the 2024-2025 school year, we’re linking our Opening and Closing Dates here. Please reference these dates as you plan your travel for the upcoming year.

Have any questions? We’re available during the week at 336-758-5185 and via email at housing@wfu.edu.