Chapter 5 – Housing and Operations
Facilities & Campus Services

The Office of Residence Life and Housing works closely with Facilities & Campus Services staff to attend to issues as they arise on campus.
Staff Presence
Facilities & Campus Services custodial staff members typically work in the residence halls beginning at 7:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. Custodial staff members also remove the trash on Saturdays and Sundays when students are in residence.
Maintenance crews work in and around the residence halls performing repair requests and preventative maintenance tasks beginning at 9:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. Landscaping crews may begin work earlier in the day when labor is needed or when conditions warrant.
After-hours maintenance and custodial crews are available to handle emergencies or issues requiring immediate attention in the residence halls. For those requests, call Facilities & Campus Services at ext. 4255 (HALL) or 336.758.4255.
When a repair request is submitted, the student grants permission for Facilities & Campus Services staff to enter the room. Students do not need to be present nor should the door be left unlocked.
Identifying F&CS Staff
All Facilities & Campus Services staff working in the residence halls typically wear a uniform shirt, along with a photo identification tag. Occasionally, the University will hire temporary staff to assist in the daily cleaning of the halls or perform certain maintenance tasks. Temporary hires do not wear a University uniform, but they are required to wear a photo identification tag or a uniform from the company which has been employed by the University.
To report suspicious individuals, please contact University Police immediately at ext. 5591 or 336.758.5591.
Reporting a Facilities Issue
Typical issues that can be reported directly to Facilities & Campus Services include fan coil unit(s) (i.e. heating and air conditioning units) not operating properly; lights not working; clogged drains or toilets; leaks; broken windows; pest control; and lock issues. When calling Facilities & Campus Services to submit a repair request, please be as detailed as possible in order to assist staff in best assessing the problem. Work orders may be submitted at or by calling 336.758.4255.
Facilities & Campus Services staff members do not clean individual student rooms, assist in room set-up, take down, remove, or store University furniture or personal property.
Issues related to room telephones, cable television, or internet connections should be directed to the Information Systems Help Desk at ext. 4357 (HELP) or 336.758.4357.

Laundry Machines
Should you experience a problem with a washer or dryer, it is important to notify our laundry provider, Caldwell & Gregory, so that the machine can be repaired. There are three ways you can do this:
- Use your Smart Phone to scan the QR Code decal on
the machine with a problem, and simply follow a few brief prompts and hit SUBMIT. Any QR code scanner
app can be used to do this. - Call Caldwell & Gregory at 800.927.9274 (24 hrs. a day,
7 days a week) - Email Caldwell & Gregory at
Air Conditioning and Heating Systems
Students in the following facilities may use heat and/or air conditioning at any time of the year.
- Angelou, Deacon Place, Dogwood, Magnolia, and the houses along Polo Road and Rosedale Circle.
All other facilities (Babcock, Bostwick, Davis, Efird, Huffman, Johnson, Kitchin, Martin, Polo, Poteat, Taylor, South, Student Apartments) use a system that heats or cools an area depending on the outside temperature:
- When the outside temperature exceeds 60°F, the heat will not come on and the HVAC unit or vent will operate in air conditioning mode and circulate cool air.
- When the outside temperature falls below 55°F, the heat will automatically come on and the HVAC unit or vent will operate in heat mode and circulate warm air.
- When the outside temperature is in the 55-60°F range, neither warm nor cold air blow from the HVAC unit or vent—the unit will recirculate room temperature air.
If your room’s HVAC unit seems to be producing air that is opposite from what the unit should be doing, residents should contact Facilities and Campus Services. For HVAC units to operate properly, the unit should not be blocked with personal items or furniture and all windows should be closed when in use. Filters to all HVAC units are changed twice per year–prior to the opening of the residence halls for the fall semester and during winter break.
Prior to leaving for winter break, residents should set their thermostat to ON and the temperature set at 70°F. This process helps to prevent pipes from freezing during the cooler months and winter break period.
The University responds actively when concerns are raised related to the potential for bed bugs in our facilities. If you think you have bed bugs, please visit or contact Deacon Health for an evaluation. Deacon Health will contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing if an inspection of your room is needed. In this case, students should return to their room and await further instructions.
While traveling, please be aware of your surroundings and take these extra steps prior to unpacking while in locations unfamiliar to you:
- Roll luggage to hard surface areas (such as a bathroom or hardwood floor).
- Check the mattress, including the box springs, for evidence of bed bugs.
- Check the upholstered furniture and bed frame for evidence of bed bugs.
- Always place your luggage on luggage racks or up on dressers, not on the floor or on another bed.
- If you find evidence of bed bugs, request another room, location, or pest treatment for the space to which you have been assigned.
- When returning to campus, prior to unpacking your belongings:
- Ensure that you do not see evidence of bed bugs in and around your items, including in your suitcase(s).
- If you do find evidence of bed bugs, please contact the University immediately so that arrangements can be made to inspect and address any issues.
If you are returning to a location other than Wake Forest, contact a local pest management company in your area to assist with treatment upon your return.
Students with a medical need to use needles, syringes, etc. are expected to properly dispose of used items in a sharps container unit and not in trash receptacles. Sharps containers can be obtained from the Student Health Service.
Students who discover bodily fluids should not attempt to clean up the fluids. Facilities and Campus Services staff have been properly trained in bodily fluid clean-up and disinfection and should be contacted immediately at ext. 4255 (HALL) or 336.758.4255 for proper clean-up. Please be sure to make a Residence Life and Housing staff member aware of the issue after notifying Facilities and Campus Services.
Wake Forest University is committed to achieving excellence in providing a healthy and safe campus and supporting environmentally sound practices in the conduct of university activities. It is WFU policy to comply with all applicable environmental health and safety laws, regulations, and requirements. Facilities and Campus Services in conjunction with Environmental Health and Safety has developed a Mold Management Plan for the University. For more information about mold and the Mold Management Plan, please visit
Please remember to immediately contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing at or 336.758.5185 and/or Facilities and Campus Services at 336.758.4255 if you have any reason to think you have a mold/mildew issue in your room.
Residents wishing to file a compliment, concern, or complaint in relation to their residential facility or with regards to Facilities and Campus Services staff should contact their Community Director. Comments will then be forwarded to the appropriate staff in the Office of Residence Life and Housing.
If members of your community staff are unavailable, please call the Office of Residence Life and Housing at 336.758.5185, email us at, or visit our offices located on the ground floor of Angelou Hall.
If damage occurs to University property in your room or shared space in a residence hall, first report the incident to your community staff promptly and then contact Facilities and Campus Services at ext. 4255 (HALL) or 336.758.4255.
Though the damage to University property may have been done by accident, there is usually a charge associated with the repair that may be assessed to the responsible individual(s). If no individual accepts responsibility, the community as a whole may be charged. As a reminder, students are responsible for the behavior of their guests in the residence halls and may be charged for any property damage or extra clean-up required or caused by their guest’s behavior.
Though the residence halls are properly maintained throughout the year, unforeseen facility issues (i.e. broken water pipes) do arise from time to time. In the event of an unforeseen facilities issue, staff will respond to correct the problem as quickly as possible and return the affected area(s) back to its original condition.
The University is not responsible for the loss of or damage to students’ personal property. Additionally, in the event of mechanical difficulty (air conditioning, heat, hot water, and other equipment) or interruptions of electrical power or water service, the University will make reasonable efforts to restore service; however, there will be no refund of residence hall charges because of such failure.
Custodial Services
Custodial service is not provided for residence hall bedrooms in any residential community. ALL students are responsible for maintaining a healthy and safe environment in their room and for cooperating in the upkeep of common areas.
Custodial service is provided on a daily basis (Monday-Friday) for community spaces, including hall/suite bathrooms, in the following facilities:
- Angelou, Babcock, Bostwick, Collins, Davis, Johnson, Kitchin, Martin, Poteat/Huffman, South, Taylor/Efird, and Road Houses.
- Luter Hall community spaces are cleaned daily; suite bathrooms within Luter are serviced weekly.
Custodial service is provided on a daily basis (Monday-Friday) ONLY for community spaces outside suites/apartments in the following facilities:
- Deacon Place, Dogwood, Magnolia, North Campus Apartments, Polo, and Student Apartments.
- Students living in these communities are responsible for maintaining a clean, healthy, and safe environment in their bathrooms and common areas (i.e. living rooms, kitchens, etc.), in addition to their bedrooms.
The Office of Residence Life and Housing reserves the right to fine students for severe neglect in the upkeep of, or damage to, a room or common area.