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The Office of Residence Life and Housing is excited to welcome you to The Forest, your home at Wake Forest University!

A place to hang your top hat. 

Here, you’ll find a residential experience that affords you the freedom to be exactly who you are and explore who you want to be, surrounded by the resources necessary for each student to reach their full potential.  

Here, living and learning are forever combined within a diverse community. Our residential commons model, The Forest, is intentionally designed to connect students to the resources they need to thrive at Wake Forest. 

In many ways, a deeply connected residential experience is not new to Wake Forest. Within this residential experience, we will curate an environment students can make their home – a home where living and learning are inseparable.

Living on campus is where the memories are made. This is where you belong. From all of our staff to you, welcome home!

Transferring to the Forest

Are you a transfer student?

Whether you’re a new first-year or a transfer student, the information on this site will be your primary source for everything you need to know to ensure your smooth transition to Wake Forest.


Phone: 336.758.5185
Fax: 336.758.4686

P.O. Box 7749
Winston-Salem, NC 27109

Angelou Residence Hall 001

Link to RLH Instagram page
Link to RLH Facebook page


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  • May 1, 2025 – Housing & Dining Application available via the Housing Portal.
  • June 2, 2025– Deadline to submit Housing & Dining Application and Deacon One photo.
  • To be announced – Move-in for Pre-Orientation Programs (Optional)
    • Students will receive their move-in instructions (including date and time frame) in mid-July after program enrollment, from Residence Life and Housing.
    • Check-in will be available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; move-in assistance will be available from 9 a.m. to noon for incoming students ONLY.
  • August 20, 2025 – Move-In for New Students
    • Suggested move-in timeframes will be shared as we get closer to move-in
    • Check-In and Move-In Assistance will be available from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
    • All students should be moved in by 1 p.m. but late arrivals must plan to arrive between 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
  • December 14, 2025– Residence Halls Close For Winter Break @ 2 p.m.


  • January 10, 2026 – Residence Halls Open For Spring Semester @ 9 a.m.
    • Students participating in sorority recruitment will receive additional information regarding their move-in.
    • Students moving onto campus for the first time for the Spring 2026 semester will receive additional information regarding their move-in. 
  • May 10, 2026 – Residence Halls Close
    • Check-out by 2 p.m. unless approved for interim housing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Angelou Residence Hall
Bostwick Residence Hall
Johnson Residence Hall
South Residence Hall
Babcock Residence Hall
Collins Residence Hall
Luter Residence Hall
Explore On-Campus Housing
Our residence halls – see floor plans, layouts and more.
Learn about living in The Forest
Wake The Forest
Get connected with key resources on campus.

Resident Advisers (RAs)

Undergraduate student leaders responsible for building community and connecting students. RAs plan initiatives for not only their smaller communities but also for the overall residential community they serve. Our South Campus communities have between seven and 11 RAs, based on the community. Look for a welcome email from your RA in August!

Community Director (CD)

A full-time master’s-level, live-in professional who manages a residential community and supervises RAs and GHDs. CDs work with their staff to foster an inclusive community through co-curricular initiatives, mentorship, and faculty engagement. Additionally, CDs work to ensure that students understand and abide by University policy, and provide general assistance to students with residential concerns.

Faculty Fellows

Faculty Fellows come from a diverse background of academic disciplines with something in common–they care deeply about helping students feel like they belong outside of classrooms, too. Faculty Fellows are faculty members who work in small teams with each first-year residence hall to build community; consider them expert neighbors here to help guide you around your new home.

Reach out to your Faculty Fellows if you have questions–especially academic ones! Look out for their outreach and events, and drop by. They plan on being in your hall at least once a week for in-hall programming including pop-up or planned meals or snacks, informal interactions and advising, and hall trips to on- and off-campus events.

Learn more about the Faculty Fellows Program, South Forest, and your community’s Faculty Fellows on the South Forest page.

More About Living on Campus

Important information about the various services and resources available on campus.

Campus Dining & Meal Plans

Learn more about on-campus dining
and meal plan options.

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Our Policies & Procedures

Familiarize yourself with the guidelines
for campus living.

New Student Website

Everything you need to know as you prepare to arrive at Wake Forest!