Chapter 4 – Policies and Procedures

All residents are expected to contribute to our secure, comfortable, inclusive, and engaging learning communities.
While living on campus, staff from the Office of Residence Life and Housing are here to help students learn to develop healthy, respectful, and mutually helpful relationships with others. The rights and responsibilities outlined here provide a roadmap for living in community.
Residence Life and Housing Policies
It is an expectation that once students electronically accept their Housing and Dining Agreement, they understand the rules and regulations of living in campus housing. Wake Forest University reserves the right to revise any policy at any time without notice.
Throughout the year information is distributed to residents regarding processes and policies. Information is also provided during floor meetings and in interactions between hall staff and residents. It is ultimately the responsibility of the resident to read information or to meet with hall staff regarding policies. Residence hall staff will document any violations by means of a Residence Life and Housing incident report or a Room Condition Report.
Violation of any of the following policies may lead to charges to a student account, administrative action by the Office of Residence Life and Housing, and/or referral to the University’s Student Conduct process. Additionally, students may be charged for any damage caused and the associated repairs.
Items left in the laundry room outside of a washer or dryer are subject to removal by Residence Life and Housing (RLH) staff to eliminate clutter and potential safety hazards. Once collected, RLH will only retain unclaimed laundry for 10 calendar days before donating it to a charitable organization. To claim collected items, please contact the Resident Adviser on Call or your Community Director. Wake Forest University is not responsible for the loss or damage to items of personal property.
Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for more information regarding the University’s policy on alcohol and drugs.
To contest charges that are assessed to a student’s account by Residence Life and Housing, the student may appeal the charges via email at within 30 calendar days of the charge posting to the student’s account.
All exterior entrances in residential communities will be secured 24 hours a day via card readers and/or doors that automatically lock. With regards to card access, undergraduate students access our residential communities utilizing their Deacon OneCard.
- All residential students will have 24/7 access to their assigned residence hall exterior doors, room/suite, laundry room, and other common areas. Additionally, residential students will have access to all residence halls on campus from 7 a.m. until midnight excluding suites (Ex. Kitchin, Davis, Dogwood, Martin, etc.) and apartments (Ex. North Campus, Martin, Polo, and Deacon Place).
- Guests (See Visitation and Host Responsibility Policy) must be escorted and the student(s) they are visiting are responsible for their behavior.
It is a violation of University policy to enter the residence halls using someone else’s Deacon OneCard. Furthermore, it is against University policy to loan out your ID card or bypass the card access system in any way – including tampering with doors and locking mechanisms.
Cohabitation with non-roommates is not allowed under the University visitation policy. Cohabitation is defined as guests sleeping/staying in the room, which infringes on the rights and privacy of residents in the living area, for an extended period of time. Specifically, cohabitation is defined as staying four nights or more, consecutive or otherwise, within any thirty (30) day period. However, continued use of a residence hall room or apartment by a person or persons other than those to whom the room or apartment is assigned is prohibited. Overnight guests may not be entertained during final examination periods and for any residents approved for extensions over breaks.
Students may email explaining the need for an exception for a guest who needs to stay longer than the aforementioned guidelines. Requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Office of Residence Life and Housing. At any time, a student has the right to refuse entry to the room by any person except their roommate(s).
The community spaces (kitchens, lounges, recreation rooms, media rooms, etc.) within Residence Life and Housing facilities are provided as common areas for students living in that community and may serve a variety of purposes – social, academic, etc.
- Lounges are furnished by the Office of Residence Life and Housing and additional furnishings may not be added by residents.
- Lounge furniture may not be removed from the lounge at any time and may not be used in student rooms.
- Lounges are not an acceptable area for storage of personal property (suitcases, boxes, towel racks, bikes, sporting equipment, etc.) and/or student room furnishings (i.e. desks, chairs, etc.).
- Residents are responsible for keeping community spaces clean and orderly. Trashing of lounges and/or the furnishings in them is unacceptable.
- Facilities and Campus Services will perform basic cleaning, vacuuming, and dusting of lounges on a regular basis.
- Residents may not make modifications (i.e. hanging of photos, painting, etc.) to community lounges.
- The Office of Residence Life and Housing reserves the right to determine the appropriate use of the lounges.
- Misuse or abuse of lounge spaces may result in community charges and/or loss of access to the lounge space.
Tampering with elevator equipment, prying open or propping open elevator doors, jumping up and down in an elevator and elevator surfing (riding on top of an elevator) are unsafe and prohibited. In addition, any student found vandalizing the elevator will be responsible for the cost of repairing the unit. If the elevator should malfunction while you are in it, do not attempt to exit the elevator car; wait for assistance.
- Each student is issued key(s) upon checking in with the Office of Residence Life and Housing. Keys are issued to individual students and are for use by that student only.
- If a key is lost, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the Office of Residence Life and Housing within 24 hours. The procedure for replacement of lost or broken keys are as follows:
- Broken Keys: Students should inform the Office of Residence Life and Housing if they have a broken key. There is no cost for having a new key cut, but the broken key must be turned in to avoid a lock re-core.
- Lost Keys: If a key is lost, the door to the room/apartment/house must be re-cored and a new set of keys cut. Students will be charged $75 for the total cost of re-coring the door. In a double room, two new keys will be made. Additional keys may be provided at $18 per additional key made for the student.
- Key Pick-Up: The student will pick up the replacement key at the Office of Residence Life and Housing located in 001 Angelou Hall during business hours, unless other arrangements are made. If the student is present during a re-core, the student may receive the key
directly from the locksmith; the student must sign acknowledging their receipt of the new key. - To request a lock recore, students should visit
- Each student is allowed two lockouts free of charge per semester. Additional lockouts (beyond two) will result in a $25 charge per lockout, which will be billed to the student’s account.
- To help preserve the safety and security of all students, tampering with door security systems (card readers, door closures, etc.) is not permitted.
- Students are not permitted to remove door closures.
- All secondary doors are alarm-activated and locked 24 hours a day. Propping of these doors and/or activating alarms is prohibited.
Residence hall lounges are available for use by recognized organizations, as well as individual students. The sponsoring group or individual must abide by all Residence Life and Housing policies and will be held responsible for any damages and/or policy violations. Please visit for more information about this policy and for the process of reserving space.
The residential environment is one meant to be supportive of the academic mission and focus of the University. As such, noise or other activities that are excessively loud or bothersome to other people are strictly prohibited at any time.
During quiet hours all community members should be committed to upholding the spirit and intent of these hours. Playing loud music, loud talking in the hallways/common areas, unregistered social functions, slamming doors, etc., are all examples of activities that should be avoided during quiet hours.
- Quiet Hours –
- Sunday – Thursday: 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.
- Friday and Saturday: 2 a.m. to noon
- On the last day of classes each semester, 24-hour quiet hours are in effect until the end of the exam period. The residential environment
should be completely quiet during the exam period.
- Courtesy Hours – 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
Personal amplification systems, including stereos and radios, may not be played loudly at any time, be placed in windows of Residence Life and Housing facilities, or be used with the intention of entertaining persons outside the resident’s or organization’s room/space. Items such as subwoofers are prohibited.
- Amplified bands and systems are only permitted in the student organization lounge spaces during registered events. The use of these devices may never infringe upon the rights of others to reside in peace.
Residence Life and Housing staff members will, in an effort to maintain an environment conducive to academic pursuits, confront and address all noise issues brought to their attention in the residence hall. In addition, all members of the community are encouraged to actively confront others who may be in violation of the above policy.
Pets are not permitted in the residence halls. Violations will result in a $150 fine per animal plus any associated costs for cleaning and/or damages in the space. Students have 24 hours to remove the animal(s) and failure to remove may lead to a conduct referral and a possibility of additional fines.
In cases where an individual cannot be found responsible, groups of students may all be charged a fine until the animal is removed.
The only exceptions to this policy are fish in tanks of 10 gallons or less.
For more information about service and emotional support animals please visit and/or contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing at or 336.758.5185.
In an effort to effectively convey information of importance to the University community, and at the same time to keep the campus free from litter, the following guidelines have been established for the posting within and outside of residential communities:
For the purpose of this policy, three locations are considered
- Within Student Spaces – living spaces used by an individual or group of students, such as bedrooms, suites, and/or apartments. The policies for these spaces include items displayed in windows.
- Residential Common Areas – any other space within a residential facility that is not within student spaces (as defined above).
- Exterior of Residential Facilities – the exterior and immediate surrounding areas of all residential buildings, including columns, exterior doors, exterior door frames, the exterior of windows, trees, sidewalks, railings, lamp posts or painted surfaces.
Within Student Spaces – Items should be hung with painter’s tape or command strips. The use of duct tape is strictly prohibited.
- Students will be held responsible for damage caused including paint peeling, nail holes, tape residue, etc.
- While items may be hung on the interior of windows (for display inward or outward), items may not be hung on the exterior of any window in a residential facility.
Residential Common Areas – Postings may be placed on designated community posting boards using thumb tacks, staples, and/or painter’s tape. Items posted on any surface other than a bulletin board should be hung using painter’s tape.
- Postings are prohibited on floors, ceilings, and common area windows.
Exterior of Residential Facilities – Postings may not be placed on painted surfaces, stone, brick, or concrete.
- Special Displays – Requests may be submitted to for approval for special displays such as homecoming banners, etc. These requests must be approved prior to items being hung/displayed. Approval will come in writing from Residence Life and Housing staff.
Residence Life and Housing staff reserve the right to remove any postings that fail to follow these guidelines. Further, Residence Life and Housing staff will remove out-of-date postings.
Students must continue to abide by the Student Code of Conduct, the Student Sexual Misconduct Policy or other applicable policies. In the event a student or student organization is charged with a possible violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the Student Sexual Misconduct Policy or other applicable University policy as a result of an item posted, the University and Residence Life and Housing reserve the right to remove such item as an interim measure pending the outcome of the review under the applicable policy(ies).
As noted in the University’s Student Code of Conduct, students must comply with all University policies and expectations implemented in response to public health emergencies, as declared by Wake Forest University. These policies and expectations pertain to student conduct on-campus and off-campus and may address guest policies, curfews, travel restrictions, personal protective equipment, isolation and quarantine requirements, and more. If a public health emergency is declared the policies and expectations can be found at or from the main Wake Forest University home page (, and students are encouraged to visit the websites frequently. Specific policies for residential students will be published at
There are areas in residence halls which are considered restricted access and students are prohibited from entering or attempting to enter these areas. Restricted areas include tunnels, underground passages, attics, and any other area designated as restricted by signage and/or direction from the Office of Residence Life and Housing.
Residence Life and Housing and/or Facilities and Campus Services may enter assigned rooms at reasonable hours for the following purposes:
inspection, maintenance, or for reasons of health and safety.
Residence hall rooms may be entered and/or searched by authorized University officials in the following cases:
- In emergencies where life or property appears to be in danger.
- To investigate suspected violations of local, state, federal, or University policy where reasonable cause has been established.
Authorized University officials include but are not limited to: Residence Life and Housing staff, University Police, and other campus officials.
The use of a residence hall room as a sales or service office (including any internet sales or business) or store room, without permission in writing from the Office of Residence Life and Housing is prohibited.
Window screens must be left in the windows and are not to be removed. Windows are not to be used as entrances or exits, and personal belongings are not to be outside of the windows.
Solicitation in the residence halls is prohibited for any person or group who is not affiliated with a registered student organization. Those found in violation will be removed from the residence halls and may face judicial and/or legal action. Any person found repeatedly soliciting in a residence hall will be arrested for trespassing. Persons not affiliated with Wake Forest may be arrested immediately.
Persons who are part of, or are sponsored by a recognized campus organization, may solicit, sell, or distribute materials under the following conditions:
- The person or groups must request permission in advance, in writing, from the Executive Director of Residence Life and Housing or designee. Such requests should include an identification of the participating group and articles to be solicited, sold, or distributed. The request also should
identify who will be involved, the inclusive dates, the inclusive times, and the purpose for the project. - Permission will not be given unless the written request is received by the Office of Residence Life and Housing at least 48 hours in advance of the proposed first day of the activity.
- No disruptive actions, as determined by the Residence Life and Housing staff, may occur during any such activity. The staff reserves the right to terminate any activity which is determined by them to be disruptive.
Students with a vacancy in their room are not permitted to utilize multiple pieces/sets of furniture, closets, etc. A set should remain clear for each vacancy. Students will be responsible for any associated costs and may be fined for noncompliance. Students could receive a roommate at any time; however, the Office of Residence Life and Housing will provide advance notice whenever possible.
Students are responsible for all conduct that occurs in their room, suite, apartment, or house, including ensuring the safety, well-being, and conduct of their guests -whether invited or uninvited- and regardless of presence at the time of an incident. This includes hosting events or gatherings where alcohol is available for underage students or guests, allowing students to drink to excess, or use illegal drugs.
Guests must abide by all Residence Life and Housing policies and Wake Forest policies and procedures. Guests who do not abide by these rules may be asked to leave campus by a University official. Student hosts are responsible for the behavior of their guests, including responsibility for damage caused.
- Students are not allowed to host more guests than is reasonable for their housing type or which violates fire code. This is no more than 2 guests per every 1 resident.
- Guests must be escorted at all times while in the residential community.
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all residents and guests, guests under the age of 16 are not permitted to be present in the residence hall unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times; or approved to be in a residential space by the Executive Director of Residence Life and Housing or designee.
Regarding visitation, there are no restrictions on visitation hours unless otherwise determined by the residents of the suite, apartment, house, or hall. All students must follow the visitation guidelines below:
- Each student may decide what persons are allowed to be in their room. A student may refuse entry to the room by any person except their roommate(s).
- Each student must respect their roommate’s right to sleep, study, and be comfortable. A student’s guests should never infringe upon these or other basic rights of personal privacy.
- Guests in corridor-style buildings (Angelou, Babcock, Bostwick, Collins, Johnson, Luter, South, Efird, and Huffman) must use bathrooms designated for their gender or designated gender-neutral. Bathroom usage in-suite or apartment-style buildings (Davis, Kitchin, Poteat, Taylor, Dogwood, Magnolia, Martin, Polo, North Campus Apartments, Student Apartments, Deacon Place, and Polo Road and Rosedale Houses) is determined by the residents of that space. Guest use of suite or apartment bathrooms cannot infringe upon the rights of the residents.
Wake Forest University offers wireless internet access within the residence halls with a Wireless Access Point located in most bedrooms. The Wireless Access Point can be identified as the white box located near the ceiling of most bedrooms. The Wireless Access Point is the student’s source for internet.
Students are not allowed to bring their own internet equipment. The installation of personal wireless routers, hubs, and/or other cable TV or Ethernet splitters are prohibited. Personal wireless routers may create interference with wireless access points and impact the network performance of wireless network users.
Please do not remove or dispose of the Wake Forest University-owned Wireless Access Point in your assigned space. Removing, disposing of, damaging, etc. of this Wireless Access Point will result in a replacement fee placed on a student’s account.
For more information on the University’s wired or wireless internet, including how to register smart devices, please visit my devices to learn more.
At Deacon Place, students are provided access to the internet and cable through equipment provided by Spectrum Cable. Removing, disposing of, damaging, etc. of this equipment will result in a replacement fee being placed on a student’s account.
- If students are interested in raising their bed, they must purchase bed risers that are labeled and listed for that purpose and do not exceed
18 total inches in height. - Custom constructed bed lofts or bed risers and cinder blocks are prohibited within Residence Life and Housing facilities.
- Bed-risers with power outlets are not permitted.
- The Office of Residence Life and Housing will provide one (1) bed adjustment per student for free during the first two (2) weeks of each
semester; students will be charged $35.00 per request in excess of the one (1) free request. - All requests must be submitted using the Bed Adjustment Request form available from the Office of Residence Life and Housing and will
no longer be accepted directly by Facilities and Campus Services.
The Office of Residence Life and Housing has the right to assign charges to student accounts for violations of the policies and procedures outlined in this Guide and/or upon the direction of the Office of the Dean of Students.
The Office of Residence Life and Housing reserves the right to require single occupants living in double or triple rooms to move together in order to open double or triple rooms for others.
- Holiday Trees: Live trees and other live decorations are prohibited in Residence Life and Housing facilities. Artificial trees and decorations may be used as long as they are fire retardant and are placed away from radiators, fan coil units, kitchens, lamps, and/or other heat sources.
- Light fixtures within the residence halls may not be covered with any material, nor may light bulbs be switched out.
- Black (darkening or colored) overhead light bulbs are prohibited in student rooms and hallways. These bulbs are permitted in lounges leased by student organizations only when standard fluorescent lighting in one area can be activated simultaneously.
- Neon lights are permitted within the residence halls; they may not, however, be placed in windows or be seen from the exterior of the building. All lights must be unplugged during breaks, or any extended time of absence. Any damage can result in restitution.
- Students may install a single strand of UL-approved string lights so long as this is done without damage to University property and they are not installed through ceiling tiles and/or grid. However, string lights must be unplugged prior to leaving for Winter Break.
- String lights must be plugged directly into a power outlet or UL-approved power strip. Lights should be unplugged whenever residents leave the room and should not be left on overnight.
- Do not hang lights using staples, nails, or tacks. Staff from the Office of Residence Life and Housing and/or Facilities and Campus Services may inspect all lighting for safety.
- Should your lights cause damage to the wall(s), you may be charged accordingly.
- Lights can only be hung inside student rooms, not outside or in the hallways.
- Decorations: Holiday decorations may be placed on bulletin boards and room doors. Decorations should not be placed near radiators, fan coil units, kitchens, or other heat sources. All decorations used should be made of non-flammable materials, such as foil, metal ornaments, artificial wreaths, and flame-retardant paper. Corridor walls, elevators, and fire exits should not be decorated.
- Students may not hang anything from or run anything through the ceiling (including ceiling tiles and/or ceiling tile grids) by any means. Students also may not remove ceiling tiles for any reason.
Only Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL) approved power strips with an on/off switch and surge protection are allowed. All other electrical extensions (i.e. unapproved extension cords, outlet splitters, plug-in air fresheners, bed-risers with power outlets, etc.) will be confiscated.
In order to ensure maximum health and safety standards in the residence halls, several categories of electrical appliances have been established. They are:
- Appliances that may not be used or stored in the residence halls include: convection ovens, crock pots, dehumidifiers, diffusers (including essential oil), electric blankets, electric skillets, fog machines, generators, halogen lamps, hot plates, humidifiers, lava lamps, plug-in air fresheners, space heaters, toaster ovens, and waffle or crepe pans.
- Appliances that may be used and stored in student rooms include: air purifiers, blenders, curling irons, fans, flat irons, hair dryers, hot-air popcorn poppers, electric kettles, irons, Keurigs/Keurig-style coffee makers, and rice cookers.
- Any of these devices utilized in close proximity to a smoke detector may result in false alarms; please use caution when placing these items in your community.
- All cooking-related devices (rice cookers, electric kettles, etc.) must have auto-off features. Electric kettles should also feature tip-over protection.
- Appliances that may be stored in rooms and used in kitchens include: air fryers, coffee makers (other than Keurigs/Keurig-style makers), George Foreman grills (and similar items), oil popcorn poppers, and toasters.
- All residence hall rooms are climate controlled; additional air conditioners are not permitted unless approved by Residence Life and Housing.
- Refrigerators that meet University standards (maximum 10 amps/3 cubic feet) are permitted. However, students are reminded that the University provides a microfridge in most bedrooms – where a full size refrigerator is unavailable.
- Only microwaves provided by the University may be used within student rooms. Students may not bring additional microwaves to campus.
Causing false fire alarms, tampering with fire alarms and smoke detectors, fire extinguishers or sprinkler equipment is a misdemeanor under state of North Carolina criminal law as well as a violation of Wake Forest University policy.
Criminally, this offense is punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500), imprisonment for not more than six months, or both. Students found responsible for violations of this policy may face immediate cancellation of the student’s Housing and Dining Agreement.
Students should take special precautions to avoid tampering with smoke detectors or accidentally activating the building sprinkler or fire alarm systems. Sprinkler heads should not be used as a way to hang items in the room. The city of Winston-Salem Fire Code requires that students not place any personal items or University furniture within 18 inches of any sprinkler head, including in room closets.
In the event of a fire, please follow the procedures below:
- Activate the fire alarm and leave the building immediately.
- Call University Police, 911 from on campus or 336.758.5911 via cell phone and report the following:
- Your name; the name of the building, location of fire (wing, floor, room); nature of fire (laundry equipment, kitchen, mattress, etc.).
- Stay on the line for questions, if it is safe to do so.
- The police dispatcher will contact the Winston-Salem Fire Department.
- Close all doors leading to the area (do not lock them).
- Proceed to your community’s evacuation area, found on the Wake Ready website. Please note that these areas may change; consult with staff from the Office of Residence Life and Housing for more information.
- Wait for further instructions from emergency personnel and/or staff from the Office of Residence Life and Housing.
Any student who does not leave the residence hall during a fire alarm may be subject to disciplinary action(s) imposed by Residence Life and Housing and/or the Dean of Students Office.
Fireworks are prohibited under North Carolina state law and are not allowed in Residence Life and Housing facilities.
Flammable materials – including, but not limited to charcoal, lighter fluid, propane, kerosene, gasoline, helium tanks, oil-based paint(s), tiki torches, spray paint, sternos, and paint thinner – are not allowed in Residence Life and Housing facilities (including all lounges and/or common areas).
If you have questions about whether something is allowed, please contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing at While we do not require any furniture you bring to be flame-retardant, you should do everything to ensure your room is as risk-free as possible.
The University is not responsible for damage to, loss of, or theft of property in Residence Life and Housing facilities, including in the event of un-foreseen facility issues. Students are encouraged to obtain insurance through their parent’s or guardian’s insurance company or purchase individual renters insurance to cover potential damage and/or loss of their property. During the housing application process, students have the opportunity to purchase insurance from GradGuard.
Candles, incense, and similar items producing an open-flame are not allowed in Residence Life and Housing facilities. Candle warmers and similar hot plate items are also prohibited. Violations of this policy include evidence of a previous open flame.
Wax warmers (low wattage; such as Scentsy) are permitted but should not be left on while residents are not in their room and/or overnight.
This policy is intended to prevent damage to both the interior and exterior of Residence Life and Housing facilities. This policy applies to all students who want to paint in and/or near Residence Life and Housing facilities for any reason (i.e. coolers, banners, decorative items, etc.). Failure to comply may result in administrative and/or disciplinary action by the Office of Residence Life and Housing.
- Painting materials/objects of any kind with any type of paint (spray paint, oil based paint, acrylic, etc.) is prohibited in all residential facilities, lounges, and any/all Residence Life and Housing (RL&H) properties without properly protecting the surface on which you are painting on.
- This policy applies to any and all students and organizations who want to paint on or around Residence Life and Housing facilities.
- Spray paint is not permitted for use inside of residential facilities. Spray paint may only be used outside in a well-ventilated area away from heavy foot traffic, and those painting must properly protect the surface on which they are painting on.
- Painting with brushes, using acrylic, oil, water-based, etc. are permitted inside and outside of residential facilities as long as students are properly protecting the surface on which they are painting on.
- Those wishing to paint materials/objects (coolers, picture frames, banners, wooden cutouts, etc.) in/near Residence Life and Housing facilities may request butcher paper from the Office of Residence Life and Housing, located in Angelou Hall.
- Those who choose to get butcher paper from the RL&H office must do so during office hours (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday)
- Students must dispose of the protective material in a trashcan once they are finished painting.
- Those found to have painted on university property which damages facilities, ground, etc. will be billed the cost for cleanup (the cost will be determined by maintenance and/or custodial services).
- Any person or organization that has questions about the painting policy should contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing at or 336.758.5185 and ask to speak with the Associate Director of Housing.
- The University does not provide storage outside of a student’s assigned room for personal belongings. Hallways and common areas in all residence halls are not storage areas and should not be used as such. Additionally, students who live in Road Houses are not permitted to place personal belongings in the basements. Personal belongings found in these areas will be removed by the University.
- The University reserves the right to prohibit furniture and fixtures added by students if it is determined that those items present a health and/or safety hazard.
- Foam mattress toppers are highly discouraged in residence halls to protect University property and to prevent the spread of dust, dander, and mold. We encourage residents to use breathable mattress toppers.
- Water beds are not allowed in residence halls because of potential leakage and damage to property.
- Students are not permitted on the roofs of any University buildings.
- Individual students and/or student organizations that have block housing will be held accountable when students are seen on roofs or screens are removed from windows adjacent to their suites. They may also be billed for the costs of any needed repairs.
- Students are not permitted to jump or climb from the balconies of Residence Life and Housing facilities. Students also are not permitted to throw items (e.g. University property, water balloons, etc.) from the windows or the balconies.
- The University furnishes each student living in University housing with a bed, storage, desk, and chair.
- The University cannot provide students with additional furnishings, including but not limited to bed parts.
- All University furniture must remain in the room; students are not permitted to remove or store University furniture.
- Indoor furniture that is taken outside by students or groups may be considered a trashing violation and removed by Facilities and Campus Services.
- Students must not block egress in student rooms or common spaces by using personal property or university-provided furniture and fixtures.
- Students are not permitted to repair damages that have occurred to University property or furnishings. A student may be charged for the additional labor to reverse attempted repairs.
- Students may not make any modifications or repairs to Residence Life and Housing facilities (including furnishings and /or facilities).
- Modifications will only be permitted with prior written approval from the Office of Residence Life and Housing. All unapproved changes will be returned to their original condition under the direction of Residence Life and Housing staff.
- Students will be responsible for any associated costs and be fined for noncompliance.
Students are not permitted to repair damages that have occurred to University property or furnishings. A student may be charged for the additional labor to correct attempted repairs.
Students may not make any modifications or repairs to Residence Life and Housing facilities (including furnishings and/or facilities). Modifications will only be permitted with written prior approval from the Office of Residence Life and Housing. All unapproved changes will be returned to their original condition under the direction of Residence Life and Housing staff. Students will be responsible for any associated costs and may be fined for noncompliance.
Wake Forest University is committed to compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding individuals with disabilities. With respect to a request for a Service or Emotional Support Animal, Wake Forest will determine, on a case by case basis, and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, whether such animal is a reasonable accommodation on campus. In doing so, the University must balance the needs of the individual making the request with the impact of animals on other members of the campus community. Where it is not readily apparent that an animal is a Service Animal as defined by the ADA, or an Emotional Support Animal under the Fair Housing Act, Wake Forest may require sufficient information or documentation to determine whether the animal qualifies as a Service or Emotional Support Animal under the applicable law.
For more information – including definitions, and guidelines for animal behavior, health and wellbeing, cleanliness, and student partner responsibilities – please visit
All Wake Forest residence halls, apartments, and houses are non-smoking. This includes all interior spaces of the buildings as well as all areas within 50 feet of buildings, including balconies, patios, and porches.
For purposes of this policy, smoking is defined as the burning, lighting, or use of any other smoking device or equipment, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), hookahs, vaporizers (“vaping”), marijuana, and pipes, in addition to any other included with the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy in the Code of Conduct.
Each resident is personally responsible for maintaining and/or assisting in the maintenance of their room, hallway(s), bathroom, kitchens, and common areas in a clean condition.
The Facilities and Campus Services staff may report incidents of excessive trashing and/or vandalism to the Office of Residence Life and Housing as soon as discovered. Residence Life and Housing staff will inspect reported incidents and respond appropriately. In cases where individual violators cannot be identified, or in the case of official housing blocks assigned to a student organization, the entire group of residents may be held responsible.
University Policies
While the policies and procedures noted in this document pertain primarily to the residential community, students will be held accountable for the policies and procedures outlined in this guide as well as the University’s Student Handbook, the University’s Non-Discrimination Statement, and other published policies or procedures.
Any violations of these policies and procedures are subject to a response from the Office of Residence Life and Housing and/or referral to the Office of the Dean of Students for adjudication via the University’s student conduct process. Information about the University’s policies and procedures related to Student Conduct can be found on the Office of the Dean of Students website.
Active modes of transportation vehicles are defined as small, wheeled modes of conveyance, which include but are not limited to, scooters, e-bikes, and e-scooters.
- Active mode of transportation vehicles may not be parked in courtyards, on sidewalks, in front of buildings or on grass.
- Only park active mode of transportation vehicles at the nearest bike rack. If a bike rack is full, go to the next nearest bike rack.
- Never secure active mode of transportation vehicles to a light pole, sign post, railing, stairwell, bench, tree, or other undesignated areas.
- Any improperly parked or secured vehicle may be confiscated and fines may be imposed.
- If a vehicle is confiscated, contact Transportation and Parking Services at 336.758.7275.
Active modes of transportation vehicles MAY NOT be used, stored, and/or charged in any University-owned or leased facility (including residence halls, apartments, or houses) due to a potential fire hazard.
The Board of Trustees has empowered the president with the authority to suspend students from the University in “cases of clear and present danger to lives and property…and in instances of violence to persons….” Such suspensions are to be reviewed by the regular conduct bodies within 14 school days. The full Administrative Withdrawal Policy can be found in the University’s Student Code of Conduct.
Information for the campus community about statistics that relate to crimes that have occurred on campus for the past three years as well as a daily crime log for more recent incidents is available at This information is shared in compliance with federal statute 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f) The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or better known as the Clery Act.
If a student wishes to leave the University, there are two procedures under which a student may be able to do so:
• Continuous Enrollment Status (CES)
• Withdrawal and Readmission
Both of these procedures are overseen by the Office of Academic Advising, which can be contacted at or 336.758.3320.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. The full policy related to FERPA can be found in the University’s Student Code of Conduct.
Wake Forest University endorses as a basic principle of University life the concept of responsible student freedom, which carries with it the recognition by each student of the rights and obligations of other members of the University community.
The University conduct system is jointly administered by the Office of the Dean of the College, the Office of the Dean of Students and the Judicial Council. University conduct information reflected in the Student Code of Conduct supersedes any references to student conduct and disciplinary matters that may be reflected in other publications. To review the Student Code of Conduct or other information about the conduct processes at Wake Forest, please visit
Wake Forest University aims to provide a secure environment for members of its community and to protect personal safety and property, assisted by video surveillance systems technology. This policy is intended to regulate the use of video on campus for surveillance purposes, including both monitoring and recording, in order to enhance the campus quality of life and to respect the privacy rights of faculty, staff, students and visitors.