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University Police

Safety and security is a concern on every college and university campus; for more information on crime statistics at Wake Forest, please visit The Office of Residence Life and Housing along with University Police strive to provide a safe environment on campus, including in the residence halls.

In return, you are asked to take time to think about your own safety by reading this section of the guide. Remember to report all suspicious behavior to both University Police and your community staff.

University Police

The Wake Forest University Police Department is committed to a comprehensive approach in providing a safe and inclusive community where students, faculty, staff and visitors may experience a sense of security and belonging. The WFU Police Department is comprised of professionally trained police officers, security officers, communications officers, and support staff. The primary concern of the department is to protect and assist the campus community.

The University Police administrative offices and dispatch are located in Alumni Hall. Officers are on duty 24 hours a day.

  • To reach the University Police Department in a non emergency situation, please visit Alumni Hall or call 336.758.5591.
  • If you need to reach University Police in an emergency, you should dial 911 from any campus telephone, or 336.758.5911 from a cell phone, or use an emergency call box located throughout campus (call box map).

Emergency Response

Wake Forest University has initiated various means of communication to report crises to all students, staff, faculty, visitors, and others. More information can be found at Wake Alert


For information about building evacuation, please visit the Wake Ready website at

Locations of assembly areas in the event of a building evacuation on the Reynolda Campus can be found at The assembly area is where all students and staff should proceed to during an emergency.

Emergency personnel will be informed of these areas and respond accordingly.


All Residence Life and Housing facilities are equipped with doors and locks. Many are also secured by a key card access system. In order to help ensure the safety and security of yourself and others, as well as your belongings, please be sure to adhere to the following practices:

  1. Never lend your keys or ID card to anyone.
  2. Never prop open or otherwise tamper with doors.
  3. Always lock the door to your room and do not leave your key in the door or nearby.
  4. Never open a locked exterior door for anyone except your guests.

Residence Life and Housing along with Facilities and Campus Services will always lock doors when exiting a residential space.


In the event that you become a victim of theft, Operation ID is the best way to ensure the recovery of your belongings. Operation ID is a nationwide network set up to identify stolen property.

To participate:

  • Borrow an engraver from University Police (located in Alumni Hall).
  • Engrave your driver’s license number and state abbreviation on your belongings.
  • Remember to lock your door.

If any of your engraved items are stolen, they will be traced back to you if recovered.

Three Tips To Help You Recover Stolen Goods:

  • Review your family’s homeowner’s insurance policy. If your possessions are not covered by the policy, consider taking out renter’s insurance.
  • Make two lists of your valuables. Include each item’s serial number, model number, and approximate value. Leave one list at home and the other
    with you in a safe place. The lists will come in handy if you have to file a claim with your insurance company.
  • Report any lost or stolen items to University Police and your community staff as soon as possible. Even if the items are not recovered immediately, you may be helping officers to establish a pattern of crime.
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