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The Office of Residence Life and Housing is responsible for verifying compliance with this policy and administering the Off-Campus Housing Registration/Approval process.

The policy was created to provide greater assurance that students comply with the University’s policies and regulations.

This policy asserts that “Wake Forest [University] students are responsible for conducting themselves so as to not bring disrepute to the University. Conduct or activity by members of the student body living in, or hosting functions at, off-campus locations which has the effect of unreasonably interfering with the rights of neighbors is prohibited. This standard of conduct recognizes and affirms a responsibility to respect the rights of others appropriate to the setting in which one lives.

It also recognizes the duty of Wake Forest students who are residents of off-campus rooms/apartments/houses to control the nature and size of activities carried out in or on their premises consistent with the standards of the University. Disruptive off-campus social functions at single family residences are subject to University review and sanctions. Individual students, groups of students, and student organizations may be held accountable for hosting disruptive events, parties or social functions” (Wake Forest University Student Code of Conduct).

Ongoing Review and Sanctioning

Throughout the semester, the Offices of the Dean of Students and Residence Life and Housing will review the behaviors of students residing off-campus.  Police reports generated by the City of Winston-Salem Police Department (WSPD) or Wake Forest University Police Department (WFUPD) will be forwarded to the Dean of Students Office who will provide copies to the Office of Residence Life and Housing.

Depending on the severity of the interaction with either police department, the first report of police action would more than likely result in a fine and warning letter to be generated from the Office of the Dean of Students.  This letter, copied to the Office of Residence Life and Housing, parents/guardians and landlords/property managers, would outline the behavioral issues in question and the consequences of further police action.  This letter would be sent to all students who reside at the address in which action of the police was required (regardless of their presence).

Action by either police department on a second occasion (depending on the severity) would more than likely result in the revocation of off-campus housing privileges immediately for the student(s). Revocation of these privileges would cause the students of said house to break their lease with the landlord, in accordance with the Landlord and Student’s Agreement.  Once this occurs, the student submits and either requests to live in a multi-family dwelling (i.e. apartment complex) or return to campus housing (if space is available).

Any cases involving Off-Campus Conduct (commonly referred to as Rule 21) in the Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Handbook will be heard by the Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, or his/her designee, and may be appealed to the Judicial Council within the student judicial system for individuals, and the Student Life Committee for student organizations.

University Jurisdiction and Scope of Review

Off-campus residency by students of Wake Forest University is a privilege which carries responsibilities. Wake Forest regulates student eligibility to reside off-campus for purposes appropriate to its educational mission. Therefore, Wake Forest University requires that undergraduate students have continuing eligibility under University Housing regulations to live in an off-campus location.

At the University’s discretion, all complaints of alleged student misconduct will be reviewed by the appropriate University authority. Cases deemed as potential violations will be processed within the guidelines set forth in the Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Handbook. As such, final authority for case resolution rests with the University. As a member of the University Area Community Partnership, Wake Forest University will serve as a liaison between members of the local community and the City of Winston-Salem for issues relating to city ordinances or related matters.