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Community Director

Leighann Brooks,

Babcock Residence Hall is named in honor of one of the University’s most generous benefactors, Mary Reynolds Babcock. With her husband, Charles Babcock, she donated over 300 acres to Wake Forest College as the site of the new campus. In addition, the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation has given over $12 million to Wake Forest University. The bee and flower icons on the dorm’s seal are emblematic of Mrs. Babcock’s devotion to gardening.

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Community Details

Office Location:First Floor – C103
Style: Hall
Gender: Coed
Built: 1961
Fire Safety:Smoke Detectors, Sprinkler System, Alarms
Hall Staff:11
Amenities:Formal Parlor, 2 Laundry Rooms, Vending, Various Hall Lounges, Classroom, Community Kitchen, and 2 Elevators, and Sundeck. 

*Please note that these are average room details and individual room dimensions may slightly vary.

Room Details

Average Room Dimensions: 15′ L X11′ W X 8′ H
Window Size:3′ X 4′ 6″, Blinds
Floor Covering:Tile, White
Electrical Outlets: 3-4
Desk Type:Free Standing
Double Room Drawer Type:Free Standing, dimensions vary
Number of Drawers:5
Closet: 3′ 5″ X 2′ 3″ X 7′ 10″
Two in Double Rooms
Heating & Air:Individual
MicroFridge®:One Per Room
Sinks in Room:Most
Bed Height: Raises up to 36″
Maximum Space Under Beds (without risers):Range: 28″- 33″
Personal bed risers must be 18 inches or less in height and cannot include an outlet.
Bed Frame:38″x 85″
Twin XL Mattress

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