Faculty Adviser Information
Theme Communities Information

Theme Communities work closely with a faculty or staff adviser to create a community that directly engages with their area of interest through a variety of strategies, including intentional dialogue, service opportunities, programming, and/or intentional engagement with the Wake community.
This student-led, faculty/staff-advised format relies heavily on the entrepreneurial spirit of students to form and run their own communities.
Under the guidance of a faculty or staff adviser, student groups will develop their own programming and take part in campus opportunities in order to create an immersive living and learning experience. Students living in a Theme Community share responsibility for developing a thriving community and meeting community goals.
As the faculty/staff adviser for this group, your main responsibility is offering guidance to the Theme Program Adviser for the group – who has been instructed to rely on their faculty/staff adviser for determining direction, purpose, and vision for their community.
This may mean meeting regularly with the Theme Program Adviser or the group as a whole. The intention behind emphasizing your relationship with the Theme Program Adviser is to ensure that your expertise in the given area of interest is present as the Theme determines their direction.
The hope is that, while Residence Life staff works with Theme Community students from a developmental lens, your content expertise as a professional within your department or office will provide insight into what their Theme should try to accomplish, what core values their Theme should stand for, and what purpose the Theme should have within the greater Wake Forest community.
The Office of Residence Life and Housing hopes to be a partner in this endeavor as we work together to develop student’s leadership skills, build positive community standards, and emphasize intentionality in the theme program.
If you have questions regarding the application process or presentation and interviews, please contact Abbey Rhoads, Assistant Director of Residential Academic Initiatives and Engagement, rhoadsa@wfu.edu