
- Be sure to read all Parking Signs along streets to prevent being ticketed or being towed.
- Some streets do not allow parking at all.
- Be sure to ask your landlord to provide specific parking areas for cars.
Please do not park on the grass!

Wake Forest University’s Student Shuttle Service makes stops at some area apartment complexes.

Please visit Ride the Wake Line for the most up-to-date schedules and information.

Noise comes in all shapes and sizes—loud music, horns, sirens, cars being repaired or tested, even your voice (if it’s too loud between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.).
Next to carelessly discarded trash, noise is the one thing that will cause the most difficulty with your neighbors. Please be courteous and keep the volume down.

If you do have a party and expect the music to get a bit louder than usual, talk to your neighbors about it in advance. They may be willing to put up with the inconvenience as long as parties are the exception rather than the rule.

A clean property is a safer property. The City of Winston-Salem has rules for garbage pickup and recycling.
In general, your garbage can, yard waste container and recycling cart must be placed of the curb by 7 a.m. on your collection day— and put away within 24 hours of collection. Any questions or issues, call the Sanitation Department at 336-727-2638.
You can recycle too, so place these items in the recycle cart and not the garbage can. Call the Recycle Center for more info at 336-727-8153.
There are some conditions under which the city will not pick up bulky items, call the city (336) 727-2638 for information or suggestions.

- Meet your neighbors; ask about the neighborhood.
- Talk with neighbors before you have a party (tell them the time of the party and give them your telephone number).
- Adhere to garbage and recycle days and procedures.
- Keep your yard clean and pick up litter.
- Don’t store that old couch (or other unsightly items) on the front porch or in the front yard.
- Keep the noise levels down, especially at night and in the early morning – it is not only the courteous thing to do, but it will prevent you from getting into trouble with your neighbors and the law. If you can hear your music playing on the inside while you are on the outside, it’s probably too loud.
- You are responsible for your guests; if they cause problems for the neighborhood, the problem ultimately becomes yours.
- If you have a problem with your neighbors, talk to them to resolve it; don’t ignore the situation.
- Park your car in designated areas on the street or in your driveway or garage – not on the sidewalk, lawn or greenbelt in front of your residence.