For our Parents and Families

Nearly 1,400 new Deacs are settling into their new home at Wake Forest. We hope parents and families know that Wake Forest holds a special place for you, too! The start of school brings many emotions and changes to be processed in our families. As such, we hope this gallery of move-in moments will bring you a bit of joy, a bit of peace, and a lot of relief, knowing that your students are ready. And so are you. Welcome to The Forest. 

In partnership,


To the ones who make it possible…

“Encourage them to embrace and enjoy the challenge.”

“You have prepared them for this next adventure!”

Flowers bloom outside Magnolia Residence Hall

“Let them enjoy their time and enjoy yours.”

“Even though they might not call or text you every day,

they are thinking of you.”

“Keep your child in the light you want them to be in.

They are only a phone call/video chat away.”

“Trust them.”

“Literally and quite simply cherish every moment! Make sure they know how proud you are of them, how much they will be missed, yet how joyful and excited you are about this new and exciting journey for them!”

“Let them take the lead in everything that is about to unfold. Be their coach, cheer them on from the sidelines. Trust that you’ve done your job and let them go, even if it means sometimes you’ll have to let them learn from mistakes and bumps in the road ahead.”

“Be grateful you did your job and are giving the world a competent young person who is about to rock the world!”

“Believe in their resilience and yours,

and let them enjoy this time of their lives.”

“Listen, listen, listen, and smile while you give a kind response; they’ll hear the love you have for them in your voice and that’s what they need from you.”

“Let them do it- make the phone call, talk to the professor, figure out the roommate situation- no matter how hard it is! Just be there to listen. And give them the confidence to succeed on their own!”

“Wake Forest sets the students up for success! It’s an excellent university with incredible resources and support to help your child succeed. There will be bumps, and transitions can be difficult, but it’s pure joy to see your Demon Deacon flourishing in The Forest.”

“They come back.”

“Keep reminding yourself and your child that they’ve got this.”

 “A whole new world awaits, not only for them but for you as well.”

“It IS hard…but it gets easier.”

“Try to put yourself in their shoes – they are likely nervous, excited, and very uncertain about what to expect. So the more confidence you can inspire in them, the better their chances for success!”

“College years go quickly. Tell/show them you love them every day!”

“Each phase is a phase, and the family goes through it together. We must change to grow.”

“It’s time to let them fly. They may do things differently than you would have, but this is an important time for them to grow.

Still, be there when they need you.”

“When they call, you ask, do you want advice or just want me to listen?”

“Embrace it!”

“It just gets better from here.”

“We raised them to have wings so they could fly. Pat yourself on the back and release them into the world to soar!”

“As you prepare for all possible outcomes, may you also remember to prepare for positive outcomes too. May you prepare yourself for good memories, good lessons, and all of the little places where sunlight will come shining through.”


Photos provided by Residence Life and Housing

Subscribe to the Daily Deac!

We encourage you (if you haven’t already) to subscribe to the Daily Deac, which provides our parents and families with important news, advice for supporting your students, and a glimpse into campus life! The Daily Deac is written and shared daily by Dr. Betsy Chapman (’92, MA ’94), Executive Director of Family Communications. Quotes used here are referenced from the advice of Wake Forest families shared in the July 26 issue of the Daily Deac.